Overcoming your emotions…. a sure method!

“Trust Me, I will take care of you.”

There are days you will find yourself uptight, worried, anxious, filled with frustration, concern and even anger. Often for what you feel are good reasons!

However, these negative emotions you let yourself experience, when things are not going right, will steal your energy and leave you feeling lost, tired, unappreciated, depressed and sometimes without a desire to go on.

You can change this immediately, right now, in an instance.

You can CHOOSE to live with positive emotions, to live with peace, joy and happiness.

Amen, know that…

This is true, God will bless you to live in peace and you will experience His presence with a overwhelming feeling that no matter what is happening around you, He is right there with you, He is in you!

His Message for You today is: “I will reward those who diligently seek Me, remember to be anxious for nothing.”

Philippians 4:6 “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God

Father, we know You will bless those who choose to be anxious for nothing, to set aside their worries and to have faith that You will answer their prayers and requests. Bless each and every person who makes their ownCHOICE to accept You as their Christ and Lord and to receive Your peace, Your comfort and Your faithfulness to meet every need in their “Life“.

In Jesus’ Name we pray together in faith, Amen

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Author: His Message for You

Author of The Meaning of Life, Living Hope, Understanding Changes, I Can Choose Myself -- Most of us are always pursuing the best for ourselves, our families and our “Life”. We sometimes think about and even consider the “religious” way of life, but are challenged by the seemingly odd or rigorous traditions, fanciness, reactionary and emotional behaviors we see going on in church, on television and even from folks standing on the corner or knocking on our doors. In today’s world of technology and information, we can easily educate ourselves and make our own decisions. Which we enjoy, and we should! If you are thinking about how religion, or in an easier term to understand, a spiritual life can help you, start with the simplest (and absolutely most important) information. His Message for You is here and ready for you now!!!!!

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