You are the best! You have the power! Be Bold!

"You have My supernatural strength!"

Romans 8:11 “And if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of His Spirit who lives in you”

You can read even more on the power you have here!

From Joel Osteen – 4/12/2011

With faith, we are not limited by anything or anyone. When we let Christ into our life, He is ready to do the impossible in you, for you and through you!

Think about it: when you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, the Spirit of God actually makes His home in you!

Accept Him now, receive His power now, Click here now!

We have unlimited power, unlimited wisdom, unlimited ability, unlimited joy and unlimited peace living inside us by the power of the Holy Spirit!

As believers, we have the unlimited, supernatural, living God inside of us!

Let this sink deep into your heart and your mind and realize it with every thought you have. Let it restore confidence and strength to your being. Let it energize your thoughts and attitude today. Call to Him today and receive the vastness of His power inside of you! Every day, you will experience His supernatural increase when you put Him first — the Supernatural One living in you!

Father, thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus, so that we can have eternal, abundant life in You. Thank You for choosing to make Your home in us and empowering us by Your Spirit. Give us Your wisdom and revelation so we will rise higher and receive everything You have in store for us.

In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Author: His Message for You

Author of The Meaning of Life, Living Hope, Understanding Changes, I Can Choose Myself -- Most of us are always pursuing the best for ourselves, our families and our “Life”. We sometimes think about and even consider the “religious” way of life, but are challenged by the seemingly odd or rigorous traditions, fanciness, reactionary and emotional behaviors we see going on in church, on television and even from folks standing on the corner or knocking on our doors. In today’s world of technology and information, we can easily educate ourselves and make our own decisions. Which we enjoy, and we should! If you are thinking about how religion, or in an easier term to understand, a spiritual life can help you, start with the simplest (and absolutely most important) information. His Message for You is here and ready for you now!!!!!

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